miércoles, noviembre 29, 2006

The Prestige

Every great magic trick consists of three acts. The first act is called "The Pledge"; The magician shows you something ordinary, but of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn"; The magician makes his ordinary some thing do something extraordinary. Now if you're looking for the secret... you won't find it, that's why there's a third act called, "The Prestige"; this is the part with the twists and turns, where lives hang in the balance, and you see something shocking you've never seen before.

4 comentarios:

Ernest dijo...

tiene pinta de estar buena la peli de los magos, capaz que me la juego y hago mi segunda visita anual al cine

SeBaS dijo...

descargalo en el fondo de casa, con cuchillo o tenedor?

saludos SeBaS

Planeta Eskoria dijo...

para mi no, gracias

kum kum dijo...

paso, english? naaa